Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Struggle is REAL! - Taha Hinengaro

Im finding it hard to gather the motivation to get out there and do some exercise. In my life I feel overwhelmed with my workload, family business, selling a house and buying a house, children and their commitments.
Need a boot up the ass to get motivated!!
When that motivation kicks in my memoirs of a FFB will kick in!! Stay tuned to te taha hinengaro when that happens.

Image result for busy quotes funny

Monday, March 11, 2019

Manahua te tapu o matua te pononga! - Taha Whānau

Manahua te tapu o matua te pononga!
The embodiment of trust!

'Ehara taku toa i te toa taki tahi engari he toa taki tini' - Taha Whānau

'Ehara taku toa i te toa taki tahi engari he toa taki tini'
'My strength is not the strength of one it is the strength of many'
No photo description available.Image may contain: 3 people, including Kerianna Stirling, people smiling, people sittingIt was lovely to be back at Tukorehe Marae, the memories of the past Tu Taua journeys for us all would have been flooding through. There were a few unfamiliar faces and some that you have seen but don't really know that well, given time those relationships will develop no doubt.
The feeling of excitement was definitely on point for me, to see my tungane and my tuakana and to be on this waka together is a joyous feeling. May the next 10 months be filled with growth for us all.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Manahua te tapu - Taha Wairua

Manahua te tapu - Chris Winitana
Manahua te tapu o matua te kore
Manahua te tapu o matua te po
Manahua te tapu o matua te ao
Manahua te tapu o matua te hawa
Manahua te tapu o matua te iwi e 

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

Noho one had us all gathered on Friday evening on the marae atea. We were told that we had to each recite a karakia. For some of us it was nerve recking but for others not so. As the karakia started we recited many karakia that we had learned over the years. There were a couple of unfamiliar karakia and also some that I had forgotten parts too as well. It is time for me to step up and revisit those karakia. 
Believe it or not, I had been missing the 4am wake up in my life so sure enough, we awoke to learn a beautiful karakia that the sister Tania had recited the night before. As we recited each line feelings of reawakening and excitement filled me. A part of me that has been lying dormant for so long was starting to rise. I am so happy and grateful to be apart of this kaupapa again.

My final post

I have had many lessons about myself, and challenges that have crossed my path in the last year. There are always the good the bad so im goi...