Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Manahua te tapu - Taha Wairua

Manahua te tapu - Chris Winitana
Manahua te tapu o matua te kore
Manahua te tapu o matua te po
Manahua te tapu o matua te ao
Manahua te tapu o matua te hawa
Manahua te tapu o matua te iwi e 

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

Noho one had us all gathered on Friday evening on the marae atea. We were told that we had to each recite a karakia. For some of us it was nerve recking but for others not so. As the karakia started we recited many karakia that we had learned over the years. There were a couple of unfamiliar karakia and also some that I had forgotten parts too as well. It is time for me to step up and revisit those karakia. 
Believe it or not, I had been missing the 4am wake up in my life so sure enough, we awoke to learn a beautiful karakia that the sister Tania had recited the night before. As we recited each line feelings of reawakening and excitement filled me. A part of me that has been lying dormant for so long was starting to rise. I am so happy and grateful to be apart of this kaupapa again.

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