Monday, April 8, 2019

Te awa O Haunui-a-Nanaia - Taha Wairua

Image may contain: one or more people, mountain, outdoor, nature and water
Te awa  O Haunui-a-Nanaia
On Friday night we took a long walk down to this river, as we sat on the side of the river and learned our karakia I had a huge urge to jump into the river but it was 1-2am in the morning and that's just crazy and it was freezing.
I was delighted that on return to the marae on Saturday afternoon we detoured back to the river. As soon as the detour happened I just knew we were going back to the riverside. At that point, I decided I was absolutely going for a swim!!!
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, mountain, shorts, outdoor, nature and waterAs we stood with our feet in the water I felt the aches of my feet disappear. When Tipi called it was time to go I dived into the water. It was the most refreshing feeling, in that instant, I felt at peace with myself and one with the awa, my body felt at ease, and I was overcome with calmness. 
As I got out of the water I had a real urge to go back and bathe for a bit but we had to keep moving. E rere ana ngā mihi ki te awa  O Haunui-a-Nanaia.

Ko au ko te awa, ko te awa ko au!

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Taha Whānau

Image may contain: 3 people, including Kerianna StirlingZOOM!! 

I was there ready to show my walk out and my windmills too.

Rob the Nest - Taha Tinana

Image result for fitnessquotes funny

A lot of our fitness this weekend was based around games and having a bit of fun, this was so good! It was awesome to see a game we play with kids be so competitive for adults!

Here is a snippet of the Rob the nest contest that took place. I'm happy to say that our team were very successful and the different strategies we used assisted us in gaining many wins.

My final post

I have had many lessons about myself, and challenges that have crossed my path in the last year. There are always the good the bad so im goi...