Monday, July 29, 2019


This week two amazing things happened, let me explain

I work with pretty amazing bunch of people. My team leader is always forthcoming with new ideas and thoughts. She allows space to be creative and will support most ideas we want to run with. Their are 4 members in our team and I think that we are quite the combination.

We went away this week up to Auckland for a Positive Learning for Behavior conference. It was the best time away, we were able to troubleshoot issues we were having with some of our tamariki at school. We problem solved our way through our issues and we were worked really well as a team. We were all re inspired and our working relationship become a lot stronger. I love my job and the challenges its brings, I am grateful for the people I work with.

On route to Auckland we went to the airport early to have dinner at the restaurant my daughter works at. Throughout our time there I observed Kaylah waiting on tables, being jovial with her customers, organizing drinks, settling customers, delivering meals as well as helping her manager with our table. It was a real proud māmā moment! My baby flew the coup years ago and it is so nice to see her so independent. She makes me so proud.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Matarua, e tū!

Matarua e tu!

So I attended a hui this week where a decision was made for our kapahaka group Matarua to take the regional stage again!! I am totally excited and can't wait to get involved in this!  We are entering as a competitive group with the goal to get to Matatini 2021! Our last campaign was an awesome achievement so to return as a fully competitive group is going to be massive journey. 


Monday, July 8, 2019

Tōku Reo

I tēnei wiki i haere au ki taku kura reo tuatahi. He miharo rawa taku noho ki ētahi o ngā mātanaga reo. He maha aku akoranga. Ko te mea papai rawa ko ngā kemu ki te taha o Pania Papa. I tākaro mātou i te kemu pērā i te 'breakout.'
He tino toa au ki tērā kemu, na reira i timata pai ēengari i hinga rawa taku roopu na te hē o tētahi o aku hoa ktk.

He rawe ki te whakarongo i ngā taumata o te reo. I tū tētahi tau tohetohe kei runga noa atu ngā kaikōrero. Ko taku tino hiahia kia tū pērā i ngā kaiako, a tōna wā.

Tōku reo, tōku ohooho, tōku reo tōku mapihi maurea.

My final post

I have had many lessons about myself, and challenges that have crossed my path in the last year. There are always the good the bad so im goi...