Friday, September 27, 2019


So this week we had our 2nd game of rugby and OUCH!! my body is sore, the brusies from last week and this week make me look like I been in the wars. I was scared to move when I woke up on Thursday cos i wasn't sure what would move and what wouldn't. I am still mobile so thank goodness for that! We have a bye next week so I can rest up and recover.

This has been great for my fitness I am feeling more and more motivated and im feeling as things are tracking well!! Wowhoo!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ko tö manawa ko tõku manawa

This week I have memories that take me back to 10 years ago where I was blessed with my youngest boy. He is one of my favouritist human beings. He always makes me laugh with the quirky dumb shit he does and says. Dunno where that comes from.🤷🏿‍♀️ 
He throws challenges at all the time with his kakyhand crap and his non coordination he is a best example of kia raka te maui, kia raka te katau. It a real pleasure to teach him too. We share some special moments I love this kid ❤

My second memory takes me back 3 years ago where my daughter was faced with one of the biggest challenges of her life.  Tiari was diagnosed with a very rare blood cancer in July of 2015. She was put into isolation until they could figure out a plan moving forward.
In September she recieved a strong course of chemotherapy and on the 12th of September 2015 she had a bone marrow transplant.
She recieved an ultimate gift from someone unknown to us. She was given a new life because of this amazing superhero. As each year goes by I always take time and look at all the great experiences she has had. She is pretty amazing and I am truly greatful to her donor.
My Tiari epitimizes strength. This picture reminds me of her courage, her detemination and the fight she put up and pushed away.
 ❤Ko to manawa ko toku manawa ❤

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Move your body!!

Having read through my reflections I had realized that I was singing the same tune about being time poor and wanting to make a change but not being able to. I also come to realize

This week after stating in our zoom hui that I was going to work harder at making it happen and then one of the bros say we will hold you to your word. I made the intention to get up and go running.

Every morning I park up outside the local laundromat, some days I will dry a load of clothes and sometimes I wont but I have 25 minutes to run to the BP and back again. I have made it to Haruatai Park and back in that time and I am slowly making progress to the college.

I did 4 runs this week I am pretty proud of myself!

Manahua te tapu o te pono!

Manahua te tapu o te pono!
Walking my truth

Having come off a weekend away with the amazing people I work with and listening to some top gurus in the area of positive behavior I find myself reflecting on relationships. Relationships with whānau, friends, colleagues, students, ex-partners, etc.A few years ago I walked away from a 14 year relationship. . At the time I was just fed up with the shit and I walked away without really deciphering what had happened.I just knew it was the right thing to do.

During the weekend one of the presenters talked about relationships and stated that the reason for them breaking down was because only one person is truly invested in it succeeding. 
It was at that moment I realized that that is exactly what happened in my relationship, its taken years but to fully understand that but it is exactly that! It was an 'ahuh' moment for me (yes all these years later🙄

Moving forward it made me think about my relationships with my whānau, friends, colleagues and students in my life and how I am contributing to them. This week I feel ready to invest and give more into the relationships I have with the awesome people I am surrounded with. ❤️

My final post

I have had many lessons about myself, and challenges that have crossed my path in the last year. There are always the good the bad so im goi...