Saturday, June 8, 2019


May 2017 I was at the pinnacle of my fitness. We had finished our kapahaka campaign and I was happily maintaining my fitness and healthy lifestyle. In July my youngest daughter was struck down with a life threating disease and we relocated to Auckland where I tried really hard to maintain my fitness however, it slowly declined. When we returned to Ōtaki we slowly got back on track but life took over and I found myself back at my undesirable size and unhealthy lifestyle.

Nohi Mā and I calling out Nohi Ja and Nohi Jord
On April 25th 2018 Mahina Hakaraia and I were sitting at my home eating some chocolate and as our conversation progressed we decided we had had enough of the unhealthy predicament we were in. At that moment we decided to form a club! Our club needed a named so we chose FFBC. .(F=Fat F= swear word B= another swear word starting with B C= club)

We called out our two mates Jaleesa Wilson and Jordon Bingham to challenge us in a weight loss challenge to which they accepted.

We were all so excited as we all felt the same and we were sick of being FFB's.
We started off so well, meeting up doing workouts, eating healthy, encouraging each other.  Sadly, life took over and we all got too busy to complete our challenge and we remained FFB's
Why is this always the case? 
What is it that makes us default back to our ways?
Why is living a healthy lifestyle not important to us?

The internal battle of Tumataenga and Rongomatane continues to be my reality.
FFB needs help!

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