Today was a day of karakia here are two that I was immersed in today.
Te Mārmataka
Te tapu o te hā,
Na Mahinārangi Hakaraia, Jalessa Wilson, Kerianna StirlingHā ki roto
hā ki waho
hā ki runga
hā ki raro
manahua te tapu o te ha
manahua te tapu o to iho tāngaengae
e whakahono , e whakapiri atu
ki a Ranginui
ki a Papatūānuku e....i
Hā ki roto
Hā ki waho
aro ki te waipungarangi o Hine Ataaru
e rere, kia rere
hā ki runga,
hā ki raro
aro ki ngā hihi rangaranga o Rangi Haeata
e rere kia rere
Hā ki roto
Hā ki waho
tukuna mai
hei whakaoho
hei whakaora
o te mauri o te ira tāngata
hā ki runga
hā ki raro
ka ea, ka ea
Uhi, wero, tau mai te mauri
tau mai te mahana
Haumie, hui e taiki e.
Breathe in the essence from within, from without, from above from below.
Embrace the sacredness of breath
Embrace the essence of your spiritual umbilical connection that connects +6 with Rangi and Papatūānuku
Focus your attention to the sacred light of Hine Atarau and let the essence flow through your connection.
Focus your attention to the rays of Rangi Haeata and let it flow through your being
Let the light flow to awaken and restore your true spiritual essence
breathe tis complete
May the essence and the warmth of your connection ground you.
Haumi e, hui e taiki e
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