Sunday, June 30, 2019

Moko Kauae

Matariki Ahunga nui, Matariiki hunga nui, ka kite a Matariki ka maoka te hinu'

Matariki signifies the start of the maori new year and in this new year a few of the sisters are a about to embark an a massive new journey'

This week two very important events took place. These events fell in the time where some say is the best time to view Matariki which is during the Tangaroa phases. These events were for a group of amazing, tenacious, kind-hearted, beautiful, caring sisters of mine. It is at this time they are to receive their moko kauae.
I was honored to watch the nohi Mahinarangi Hakaraia receive her moko kauae on Wednesday and then to Palmy on Saturday to see Nohi Jah and Jordy receive theirs too.

For years Nohi Ma had been sharing her desire to wear her moko kauae but had debated within herself about weather or not she was ready for it or even worthy of carrying it.
I remember telling her it was her birth right and who cares what everyone else thinks and it should only be about her as she will be the one wearing it.

Last week Nohi Mā messaged us and said the date was set and asked us to come along. I was so stoked! Wednesday is a very busy day for me so I cancelled all of my after school meetings and training's as I wanted to be there to support my nohi. Tuesday night I saw nohi Ma and we were talking about how exciting the next day would be, I had also shared that I was up early that morning outside viewing the stars and reciting karakia. I said that the morning sky was stunning and a real site to behold. We decided that the next morning we would go to sand dunes and do some karakia and see if we could see Matariki.

Wednesday morning-(Moko kauae day)
In the early hours of the morning Nohi Ma and I climbed up the kuia Hinetuakirikiri. When we got to the top you could see the darkness adorned over Ōtaki. Rows of streetlights and pockets of darkness of the lands. Above in the sky was a very bright Tanagaroa-a-mua moon. She was stunning! The stars glistened and lit up the morning sky. We searched for Matariki but couldn't quite find them however we were fortunate to see a tupuna shoot across the sky. 
After realigning Nohi Ma found Matariki and it was beautiful a bit cloudy but stunning. We sat silence for a while as we observed the beauty of where were were in that point in time. We stood and joined our tupuna and recited all the karakia that we knew, we took in all the surroundings did our last mihi to Matariki and made our way home.

The day passed quickly, I left school early and made my way to Levin. I was really excited! When I arrived at the destination I was introduced to Wiremu Barriball who was the artist Nohi had chosen. Nohi Ma`s whānau were there and they seemed content. Nohi looked nervous but happy too.
We proceeded to the room and Wiremu started his mahi, the room was very quiet with some music playing softly. It was a peaceful process, Pat stood at a close enough distance to observe everything that was happening he seemed somewhat nervous but content in the same breath. The Nohi's mum and grandparents sat at a distance patiently awaiting for the process to complete. Tiana would go in and have close ups and then go back to her spot, she seemed very intrigued with the process as did Athena the nohi's niece. Te Ahitaewa and Kaea were quiet and happy but kept there distance during the process which didn't take long at all.

At the completion of receiving her moko kauae she sat up and her moko kauae looked like it was always there. It was absolutely stunning! When she got off the table everyone got up to mihi to the Nohi. Her grandfather held her face to have a look at he looked very proud. I got a bit teary eyed as I thought what an honor to have your parents and grandparents present at such an event in your life. It was an honor to be apart of this journey with my nohi.

Fast forward to Saturday the second major event on the lunar calendar took place although I wasn't present I drove to Palmerston North to eat and celebrate the other nohis getting their moko kauae. And oh my word!!! They are both stunning! What an awesome way to celebrate this time of year.

I am grateful to have such beautiful sisters! Mana wahine xx
Hari tau hou māori e ōku tuakana!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Karakia - Taha Hinengaro

Friday the 8th 

Today was a day of karakia here are two that I was immersed in today.

Te Mārmataka

Te tapu o te hā, 

Na Mahinārangi Hakaraia, Jalessa Wilson, Kerianna Stirling
Hā ki roto
hā ki waho
hā ki runga
hā ki raro
manahua te tapu o te ha
manahua te tapu o to iho tāngaengae
e whakahono , e whakapiri atu
ki a Ranginui
ki a Papatūānuku e....i
Hā ki roto
Hā ki waho
aro ki te waipungarangi o Hine Ataaru
e rere, kia rere
hā ki runga,
hā ki raro
aro ki ngā hihi rangaranga o Rangi Haeata
e rere kia rere
Hā ki roto
Hā ki waho
tukuna  mai
hei whakaoho
hei whakaora
o te mauri o te ira tāngata
hā ki runga
hā ki raro
ka ea, ka ea
Uhi, wero, tau mai te mauri
tau mai te mahana
Haumie, hui e taiki e. 
Breathe in the essence from within, from without, from above from below.
Embrace the sacredness of breath
Embrace the essence of your spiritual umbilical connection that connects +6 with Rangi and Papatūānuku
Focus your attention to the sacred light of Hine Atarau and let the essence flow through your connection.
Focus your attention to the rays of Rangi Haeata and let it flow through your being
Let the light flow to awaken and restore your true spiritual essence
breathe tis complete
May the essence and the warmth of your connection ground you.
Haumi e, hui e taiki e

Mana Wāhine - Taha Tinana

No words just wow! Mana Wāhine at its best!

Ngā uri o te pō - Taha Whānau

Noho 3 challenge complete. Thanks to sister Tania Riwai for the video!

Moonology - Taha Wairua

Thursday 30th May I flew up to Auckland to a meeting. On my flight there I decide to read a book named Moonology. Now before I go further I need to retell of my connections I have had with the moon.
As a teenager my friends and I would spend nights outside looking at the stars and watching the moon in all it's glory. At the time we were just being clowns and doing silly things like wishing on stars for jandels, counting shooting stars and just bask in the light of the moon. It is one of the mos fondest memories my childhood friends and I remissness about. On time I also remember a time my parents took my sister and our friends to Mahia for a holiday here we experienced one of the most amazing connections with the moon.

We had been hanging at the beach that day and the sun had set, it was a warm evening and we were all at the beach with my brother and a couple of the cousins. It had gone dark and the moon was high in the sky. The water was settled as the tide had slowly made its way out. One of the mates asked one of the cousins if it was ok to swim at night to which he said yes, so that was us! All 8 of jumped in the water. Without a word of a lie the moon was so bright it made the water crystal clear and we glowed. It was one amazing experience to be moon lit once again.

Fast forward to Hawaii 2018 I was in a situation where we were sitting at the beach once again under moon lit night but this time it was cloudy and I was with a group of our Hawaiian cousins. As we consumed our inu a couple of  Hawaiian whānau took a dip in the sea and the moon lit so bright while they were swimming. It took me straight back to my first night swim in Mahia, it was an amazing experience to see the similarities with our Hawain cousins.
While over in Hawaiki we went to a Kamehameha Community College, while we were there we were shown some beautiful art pieces which had a Hawaiian version of the Maramataka. I totally connected to that Māramataka that when I received my new classroom when we returned I painted a huge moon and I painted my own Māori Māramataka. 
Since that trip I have been exposed to a whole heap of experiences surrounding the moon which included a seminar with Rangi Mataatua. After his seminar I was totally inspired about how our connection with the moon was so strong. Now, intuitively I knew this because our whare is te Whare o Hina and over the years in our experiences we always refer to Hina and all her different phases and work under her guidance and light. Ngā Uri o te Pō e ara e.

Now going back to this book, as I was on my flight I was totally zoned in to the book and it was through reading this it confirmed to me that I need to work more closely with the moon, she has so much to teach me like.
- always take time to look up at the moon
- the moon puts on an elegant show different every time in shape, color and nuance.


May 2017 I was at the pinnacle of my fitness. We had finished our kapahaka campaign and I was happily maintaining my fitness and healthy lifestyle. In July my youngest daughter was struck down with a life threating disease and we relocated to Auckland where I tried really hard to maintain my fitness however, it slowly declined. When we returned to Ōtaki we slowly got back on track but life took over and I found myself back at my undesirable size and unhealthy lifestyle.

Nohi Mā and I calling out Nohi Ja and Nohi Jord
On April 25th 2018 Mahina Hakaraia and I were sitting at my home eating some chocolate and as our conversation progressed we decided we had had enough of the unhealthy predicament we were in. At that moment we decided to form a club! Our club needed a named so we chose FFBC. .(F=Fat F= swear word B= another swear word starting with B C= club)

We called out our two mates Jaleesa Wilson and Jordon Bingham to challenge us in a weight loss challenge to which they accepted.

We were all so excited as we all felt the same and we were sick of being FFB's.
We started off so well, meeting up doing workouts, eating healthy, encouraging each other.  Sadly, life took over and we all got too busy to complete our challenge and we remained FFB's
Why is this always the case? 
What is it that makes us default back to our ways?
Why is living a healthy lifestyle not important to us?

The internal battle of Tumataenga and Rongomatane continues to be my reality.
FFB needs help!

My final post

I have had many lessons about myself, and challenges that have crossed my path in the last year. There are always the good the bad so im goi...