Monday, August 26, 2019

Taku Kaiako

This term our focus in our class is tangata rongonui. I tasked my students to go home and think about who their famous person would be.. The following day my class and I sat in a circle and we discussed who our tangata rongonui would be. I proceeded to tell them that after we complete our research they will have to deliver a 4 minute speech about their chosen person.
One of my students chose her aunty she was super excited and couldnt wait to get started. As the days went on each students collated more and more information.
I was delighted when this student who had chosen her aunty came and showed me all her information of her tangata rongonui, Libby Hakaraia.
As I read this brief history she had taken account of I was totally blown away with the life of experiences Libby has undertaken and the fabulous opportunities she has had. On this day I felt I got to know one of my sisters even more and I am so grateful to my student for the lesson on Libby Hakaraia.
Lessons like the one Bonnie showed me reminded me to take time to get to know your sisters a little bit more they are even more special then I ever knew.

Thank you Bonnie thank you Libby xxx
PS: Bonnie asked where I got this photo of Libby, I said online and she said to me to change this photo because it doesn't look like her aunty she looks to young! lol!

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